
World of Shapes: The Best Educational Game for Little Boys and Girls

😍 A unique game for toddlers of all ages, World of Shapes encourages little girls and boys to participate in the funniest games of their lives! During exciting shapes games, the child will be able to have a good time and learn something new.

Game highlights

The bright kids shapes game consists of 12 mini-games that help the child to develop. The funniest of them:

  • In the Ice Cream Museum, the child will be able to learn new words and letters 🍨.
  • In the Candy Museum, children will be able to understand the basic shapes 🍬.
  • At the Toy Museum, kids will learn to distinguish colors 🧸.

😀 These online games are perfect even for those kids who can't read because all tasks are voiced in a pleasant voice. So, turn on the sound and get started with fun learning activities!

The benefits of the game

🌈 One of the most important properties that give a child an idea of the world around him is the shapes colors, and figures of objects. Knowledge of shapes is necessary to develop logic, spatial thinking, and mathematical abilities. Therefore, parents need to introduce the child to geometric shapes in time. With the help of this beautiful game, children will be able to develop critical skills: orientation in space, recognition of shapes and objects, and fine motor skills.

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